
Thêm video youtube vào joomla 1.7 joomla 2.5

1. Turn off the WYSIWYG editor from the Global Configuration on the Dashboard

Go to Site -> Global Configuration and choose the Site sub menu/tab.
Change your editor* to “No Editor” in the Site Settings area on the “Default Editor” options.

2. Changing the Article Manager Options

Using the administrator menu go to Content -> Article Manager.
On the top right corner of the screen, where the article manager icons are, click on the Options button.
Joomla Article Options

3. Article Manager Options Screen in Joomla 1.7

A modal window will appear on screen with all the article options. click on the Text Filter tab. Once there, locate the “Super Users” or the users’ group you wish to grant the video embedding option and under Filter Type choose “No Filtering” and then click on Save & Close.
Joomla article manager options
Once this is done, it should be possible to add any code into any Article such as videos from Youtube with the regular embedding code.
This also works really well with the Artof Editor plugin.
Once you are done embedding the videos you can enable the filtering again (be careful not to open and save the articles with the video or they will be filtered again).

hoặc lỗi không thay đổi trang chủ được
"The current home menu for this language is checked out" and "No menu item set to home"

Try going to the menu
Site>Maintenance> Global Check in



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